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Irina Simmes (Sieglinde)

Clay Hilley (Siegmund)


Simmes has been nominated as "Best Female Leading Role" at the Osterreichische Musiktheaterpreis 2023 with the role of Richard Wagner`s Sieglinde.


Nominierungen - Der Österreichische Musiktheaterpreis


Irina Simmes` most recent triumph was at the 2022 Tiroler Festspiele Erl where she debuted in the role of Sieglinde (Die Walküre). Summer 2023 she will make another Wagner debut as Gutrune (Götterdämmerung), both staged by Brigitte Fassbaender.


Götterdämmerung - Tiroler Festspiele Erl (

Irina Simmes` most recent triumph was at the 2022 Tiroler Festspiele Erl where she debuted in the role of Sieglinde (Die Walküre). Summer 2023 she will make another Wagner debut as Gutrune (Götterdämmerung), both staged by Brigitte Fassbaender.


Götterdämmerung - Tiroler Festspiele Erl (

Irina Simmes` most recent triumph was at the 2022 Tiroler Festspiele Erl where she debuted in the role of Sieglinde (Die Walküre). Summer 2023 she will make another Wagner debut as Gutrune (Götterdämmerung), both staged by Brigitte Fassbaender.


Götterdämmerung - Tiroler Festspiele Erl (

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